The premium cosmetics of Adrienne Feller were born in the spirit of the body-soul balance. Our task was to redesign their full brand identity, including the package design which represents the exclusive natural values of the creams, while also showing their deluxe quality and modern chic.
It was a complex task because of the wide product range. We decided to use minimalistic graphics and typo design complemented with vibrant but harmonising colours that mark the seven different product lines. The matte silver foil stamping and embossing adds a final touch of luxury and delicate femininity to the design. Besides the packaging we also created the webpage, and helped with the interior design and the shooting of the key visual elements.
Client: Adrienne Feller / Date: 2017 / Art Direction & Package Design: Daniel Frolich, Orsolya Orosz & Zsolt Zleovszki / Designers: Zita Safranek, Sandor Debreczeni, Melinda Skriba / © All content copyright.