This liqueur is a legendary alcoholic beverage created in Esztergom, a scenic Hungarian city. The factory had been closed during the socialism and the liqueur disappeared from the market, then has recently been resuscitated by a local company, BSP Ltd. and the famous Panyolai palinka distillery. This liqueur contains 25% ABW and the sweet, fruity taste combined with the astringency of the sour cherry makes it truly special.
Its dark ruby colour and the soft, feminine taste inspired us to create a chick, funky website dominated by gold, cherry red and pink colours. We wanted to evoke the original era of the birth of the liqueur by the carefully chosen and retouched photos.
Client: Panyolai / Date: 2016 Q3 / Package Design: Zsolt Zleovszki / Website Design: Daniel Frolich / Copy: Zita Jonas / Web Development: Attila Seres, Gergely Vida / Photography & Retouching: Zsolt Zleovszki, Daniel Frolich, Sandor Debreczeni / Website: / © All content copyright.